How to properly paint a room tips from a handyman in your local Brisbane area.

How to Properly Paint a Room: Tips from a Handyman

Painting a room can seem like a simple task, but there are various steps to consider to ensure a professional-looking finish. Whether you’re giving your bedroom a fresh coat or revamping your lounge, follow these handy tips from your local Brisbane handyman to get the job done right.

Preparation is Key

Empty the Room

Before you start, make sure to clear the room of furniture or cover it with drop cloths. This protects your belongings from paint splatters and makes it easier to move around.

Clean the Walls

The next step is to clean the walls with a mild detergent to remove any dirt, grime or oils. This ensures better paint adhesion.

Patch and Sand

Inspect the walls for holes, cracks, or other imperfections. Use a putty knife to fill them with spackle, then sand it down until smooth.

Tape Off Edges

Apply painter’s tape along the edges of the room — this includes mouldings, door frames, and window sills. Make sure the tape is well-pressed to avoid any bleed-through.

Prime the Walls

If you’re covering a darker colour or painting a new surface, a coat of primer is essential. This will provide a consistent base for your topcoat.

Choose the Right Tools and Paint

Brushes and Rollers

Opt for high-quality brushes and rollers for a smoother finish. A good rule of thumb is to use brushes for corners and rollers for large surfaces.


When selecting paint, make sure it’s the right type for your surface (e.g., latex-based for walls, oil-based for trim). Also, choose a finish that fits the room’s function — flat for ceilings, semi-gloss for kitchens, etc.

The Painting Process

Mix the Paint

For uniform colour, pour all your paint cans into a large container and mix thoroughly. This process is known as ‘boxing’ the paint.

Apply the First Coat

Using a roller, apply paint in a ‘W’ pattern, then fill it in without lifting the roller. This technique reduces streaks.


Use a brush to cut in around the edges of the room. Make sure to feather out the edges to avoid visible brush strokes.

Second Coat

Allow the first coat to completely dry before applying a second coat. Follow the same technique as before.

Remove the Tape

Before the paint dries completely, carefully remove the painter’s tape at a 45-degree angle to avoid tearing the paint.

Finishing Touches

Once the second coat is dry, you can remove all drop cloths and move your furniture back into the room. Touch up any minor imperfections with a small brush.

Final Thoughts

Painting a room is more than just slapping on a coat of paint. It requires careful preparation, the right tools, and a systematic approach. Follow these tips from your trusted local Brisbane handyman to ensure a job well done. Happy painting!

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